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Why YouTube Is Killing Your Business’ Video Marketing Potential

YouTube is one of the most popular and well-known video-sharing platforms in the world.  It allows people the chance to upload, view, rate, share, and comment on videos related to every subject you could possibly imagine. 

It’s free.

It has a great relationship with Google search engine results.

It has a LOT of traffic.

And with the popularity of webcams, nearly everyone today has the power to make and distribute videos at the touch of just a few buttons, making YouTube even more appealing to business owners.  

However, if you are in the Baltimore area and wish to create a video commercial for your business, there are many reasons why relying on a homemade YouTube video is not the best choice for making the most out of your marketing efforts.

Today we will look at the reasons YouTube falls short when it comes to commercial video production and why hiring a professional Baltimore based commercial production company will yield much more success for your business in the long run.


The Importance of Commercial Video Production

Commercial video production, either found on television or online, has seen massive growth over the years.  With everyone having access to a tablet or smartphone, as well as their traditional desktop computers and flat screen TVs, commercial videos can be seen at anytime, anywhere, by millions of people

Commercial videos have an effect on people that traditional print ads or online advertisement banners cannot.  The mix of sight, sound, and motion along with a compelling storyline brings emotion to the screen and convinces people to buy a product or use a service. 

That’s why creating a high-quality, well-branded, and professional commercial video for your business is so important.


Why YouTube Won’t Cut It for Your Small Business Commercial

Sure, there is no denying the popularity of YouTube.  With hundreds of millions of hours of video content watched daily, and billions of views generated around the clock, YouTube definitely has its place in the online world. 

However, there are some disadvantages to utilizing YouTube for your commercial production needs.


1. The Dreaded Shut Down

Let’s say you create the most amazing video commercial ever.  You spend tons of money filming and editing a commercial that encompasses what your company brand is.  You aim for your targeted audience, gather views, and simply go viral.

Then all of a sudden, you check you YouTube channel and notice your commercial is no longer there.  Just like that, it has been erased.  All of your hard work, marketing efforts, and money spent has been wasted.

YouTube will tell you it is because of a violation; you may or may not agree.  But in the end, it won’t matter because your commercial video is gone and you are left with nothing.  While this doesn’t happen to everyone, this is not an uncommon issue for YouTube users.


2. The YouTube Logo

Creating a commercial video for Baltimore residents with the intention of promoting YouTube is not what businesses want to do.  Unless you work for YouTube of course. 

All videos created on YouTube carry the YouTube logo, which has the potential to distract your viewers from your business’ branding message.  In addition, it takes away from the professionalism your Baltimore commercial video should have.


3. Related Videos

At the end of each video you upload to YouTube a suggestion of related videos is displayed.  Sometimes they are relevant (and may contain video footage of a competitor!) and sometimes they are not, possibly turning your potential customers away depending on the appropriateness of said “related videos.”  It is much better to have your own call to action at the end of your commercial video rather than relying on YouTube’s idea of related content. 


In the end, relying solely on YouTube to market your business is risky, seemingly unprofessional, and not entirely helpful to your customers (or your bottom line).


But It Does Not Stop There

Not only can the YouTube platform hinder your overall marketing efforts, the fact that you are making homemade videos creates its own set of problems when it comes to the success of your commercial.

You Need Expertise

Anyone can make a commercial video.  Not everyone can do it well.  Just because you film something “cool” and put it on YouTube does not mean customers will be knocking on your door the next day eager to buy from you.

In order to create and share something great with your audience it is best to have good equipment and relevant software, a team of professionals to handle every aspect from start to finish, and professional guidance advising you on what makes a convincing commercial that will reach your audience and convince them to buy what you are selling.

Sheffield Audio-Video Productions is a premier video production company in Baltimore that can accomplish all of this and more when it comes to creating your commercial video.  Using state-of-the-art equipment, a team of professionals that have years of industry experience, and access to a variety of locations to fit your marketing needs, Sheffield Audio-Video Productions can give your more than a homemade YouTube video can any day.



You Lack Marketing Techniques Required

Most companies looking to create a handful of video commercials are not well-versed in the techniques that come with using YouTube to promote a business.  There is much more to it than filming a commercial and posting on your YouTube channel

  • Captivating an audience is more important than ever.  YouTube’s algorithms give priority to videos that can retain viewers through its entirety, making quality and brand messaging key elements.  Many business owners have no idea where to start when it comes to this element either.
  • YouTube is labor intensive.  Unlike a simple television commercial or online video found on your business’ website, YouTube videos require consistent updates.  This keeps you channel’s feed active, establishes your presence on YouTube, and helps you build an audience.  You will not accomplish this by creating one homemade commercial about your business and posting one video on YouTube.
  • There must be a call to action.  Again, for those looking to just promote a product or service, YouTube may not help much.  Most YouTube channels direct viewers to their company website (which is a good idea to have, but maybe you don’t) or encourage them to subscribe to the YouTube channel (again requiring constant updates).  It also encourages people to like and share the video content, which involves another layer of marketing in the social media world.
  • Marketing is a Talent.  Understanding things like metadata, tags, categories, SEO best practices, and more can be overwhelming to the average business owner.  If you are going to use YouTube, you will need to understand all of these things and more to make your commercial video relevant amongst the 72 hours of footage that is uploaded every single minute on YouTube.

As you can see, there is much more to using YouTube than making a homemade video highlighting your business and reaping the benefits.  There is an art form to the marketing techniques that only skilled professionals really know how to do.

Using Sheffield Audio-Video Productions for your Baltimore commercial video needs will yield better results for your business, even if you do choose to air it on YouTube as a single commercial.  Knowledgeable in the marketing techniques required to make a commercial great, and by your side from concept to completion, this professional team can help you create something that will make a difference for your business.


Final Thoughts

Homemade video commercials are fairly easy to make and uploading them to YouTube is just as easy.  But if you are looking to reach Baltimore residents and stand out against your local competitors, hiring a professional audio-video production company such as Sheffield and airing your commercial on your website or television is going to make a world of a difference.

Once you have a professionally made commercial, YouTube can be very helpful in getting in front of viewers, but you shouldn’t rely solely on your own camera skills and YouTube account to give you a commercial that is going to “wow” your potential customers.

Contact Sheffield today and see how they can help you create a great video commercial for your business that will help you build a stronger brand and win over new customers.