Video commercials have been around forever. Created as a way for competing businesses to advertise their products and services, plus convince potential customers that they are the best choice, commercials have become a necessity in the consumer world.
Commercials can serve many purposes for your business and should be used in a variety of ways.
- Promotion - The primary reason to create a commercial is to advertise what you have to offer to consumers. This is the best way to get word out that you have something exciting for potential buyers.
- Awareness - Commercials are a great way to increase awareness amongst your target audience. It helps viewers to identify problems they are experiencing and offers a solution in the form of your product or service.
- Comparisons - In order to stay ahead of the competition, it is sometimes useful to utilize your commercial as a comparison against similar products or services. This is especially true for demonstration or “how to” commercials.
- Retention - Commercials serve as constant reminders to existing customers why they purchased from you in the first place. Regularly viewing your commercial will solidify a customer’s relationship to your product or service.
If you’re ready to shoot a commercial that represents your Maryland business, check out these 5 things to look for during the production of your commercial so that your company’s commercial can be the type that gets results.
1. Watch the Budget Pitfalls
If you hire a video production company in Maryland, make sure you get a contract drawn up and signed before any production work begins. Understanding both your company’s budget and the cost of the production company’s services is crucial to preventing any disputes when the final bill is sent out.
Since shooting video commercials has become more affordable thanks to technological advancements, it is likely you can find a quality Maryland video production company at an affordable price. Do some research beforehand and don’t sign a contract unless you are satisfied with the terms of service.
Be sure you have a thorough understanding of the actual terms of the contract so there are no misunderstandings in regards to the exact scope of work to be completed, as well as the terms and amount of payments.
2. Understand the Overall Vision
Some commercials are created to encourage an immediate response amongst viewers while others are created to brand a company as trustworthy and reliable. Although both are effective, it is important that you and your video production company be on the same page about the commercial’s overall vision.
- Immediate Response - This type of commercial will tell customers to take action right away. This is done using a call to action (CTA) such as phoning in an order, checking out a website, or stopping by the shop on specific sale days.
- Branding - These commercials are more focused on spreading the word about your company and what you can do for your customers. They aim to make customers feel good about your particular brand, in hopes of customers using your business later when needed.
Sit down with your production company and discuss the type of commercial you envision for your business. Outline concepts, overall goals, and what type of response you want to get out of potential customers. Then, make sure the production company stays in line with your vision.
3. Draft a Relatable Script
Working with your Maryland video production company on the script of your commercial is essential. You know better than anyone what your company is all about, what type of customers you are seeking, and how best to present your products or services. A successful script reflects all of these elements.
Don’t chase humor if your company is not funny. And make sure your production company understands this. Sure, most viral commercials are successful because of a well-timed joke, so it can be tempting to inject humor into your commercial.
If your target audience will not appreciate humor, or your product does not fall within the boundaries of humor, stay away. There are plenty of other emotions you can appeal to that are relatable to customers. You do not need a viral commercial to gain customers and boost sales.
4. Include a Call to Action
For any quality commercial to really make an impact on sales, there must be some type of call to action included in it. This can include any type of action you wish to encourage your potential customers to act on immediately. Think “Call Now,” “Go Online,” or “Purchase Today.”
Make sure your video production company knows what type of call to action you want to include and, if possible, how you envision it being presented to viewers. Your input can help the production team understand what the goal is so they can incorporate your CTA into the commercial in the most effective way possible.
If you are in the Maryland area and are thinking about shooting a commercial for your company, take note of these tips while your commercial production is underway. The quality of your commercial, its effectiveness, and your bottom line depends on your proactive involvement in the production process.
Look into Sheffield Audio-Video Productions and see how they can help create a commercial for your Maryland business. Our industry professionals understand how to conceptualize a commercial from start to finish and work with you to ensure your commercial reflects your business and meets your marketing goals. Plus, we know what it takes to shoot a professional (yet affordable) commercial that will help the success of your business starting immediately.