The Sheffield Institute for the Recording Arts is an ideal educational option for any Veteran searching for a career in the Audio Production, Video Production, TV & Radio Broadcasting or AV technology industries. We take a hands-on approach to all of our courses to ensure our graduates have a working knowledge of all of the equipment after completion. All courses are taught by current industry professionals with years of experience in their field. Sheffield also offers lifetime career placement services to help graduates find their place in this growing multimedia field.
Sheffield accepts the following VA benefit chapters:
- Post 9/11 and Montgomery G.I. Bill
- Chapters 30, 31, 33 & 35. (NOTE: Chapter 30 includes the following stipulations imposed by the VA: 1. Vet/Student MUST be unemployed and between the ages of 35 and 60. 2. Vet/Student must be enrolled in a full time, high demand occupation course.)
For all Chapters, except 33, the VA will pay the Vet/Student directly therefore outside financing MUST be secured prior to entrance into the course.