Video Production

How to Create Stellar Instructional Videos That’ll Have Products Flying Off the Shelves

Now more than ever, people are used to watching television and internet videos.  In fact, every day the average American will watch over 5 hours of TV.  To add to that, the average YouTube session is 40 minutes.

What can I say, people love to watch their stuff.

That’s why any business, big or small, should incorporate instructional videos of their products into their overall marketing strategy in order to convert more sales and boost revenue.  It only makes sense. 

Targeting the large amounts of people that will likely come across your instructional videos is an excellent way to build interest in a particular product, advertise its value to viewers, and ultimately encourage them to make a purchase.

Today we are going to look at some of the best tips for creating a stellar instructional video that will have your products flying off the shelves.



Before hiring a professional production company, such as Maryland’s finest Sheffield Audio-Video Productions, to film your instructional video, it is important you do a little planning.


Define Your Video’s Purpose

Ask yourself what the goal is of providing an instructional video to your viewers. 

  • Are you showing them how to use a particular product? 
  • Are you demonstrating newly released merchandise? 
  • Do you want people to make a purchase, sign up for a free trial, or are you simply trying to educate your audience with the option to buy counting as a bonus?


Do Your Research

Understanding your audience is probably the single most important aspect behind creating an effective instructional video.

Copyblogger, a company dedicated to teaching businesses how to create “Valuable information that attracts attention, drives traffic, and builds your business,” understands that your customers are the most critical component of making sales.  After all, without customers there are no sales. 

Rather than aiming your instructional video at manipulating your customers to take a certain action, Copyblogger recommends taking a more psychological standpoint when it comes to truly encouraging your viewers to purchase your product:

  • Understand the Role of Emotion.  People think first with their emotions. They have feelings, needs, and familiar sentiments that guide them to make purchases.  Learning to pull on the heartstrings of your consumers during what can easily become a “boring” instructional video is your first step to securing a sale.  You might share a touching story, add humor, or reflect on typical childhood memories that might ruffle a sense of nostalgia.
  • Purchases Must Then be Rationalized.  After deciding that a particular product is a must have based on emotion, people tend to attempt to rationalize this decision in order to justify spending money.  Backing your claims up with facts about your product, after having pulled your audience in emotionally, will help them feel they really do need your product. 
  • Provide Value.  People spending their hard earned money want to know beforehand what is in it for them.  Make sure your potential customer understands the value of your product and what specific benefits they will receive by purchasing from you.  Is it the great price, exceptional support, money-back guarantee, or something else that makes the product worthwhile?
  • Be Authoritative.  Yes, drawing emotion out of your viewers whether it be anger, sadness, or even a full-on belly laugh is great.  However, at the end of the day before a viewer clicks ‘Buy Now,’ chances are they are going to be somewhat suspicious of your product.  Back you claims up with testimonials, survey results, and expert endorsements.


During Video Production

During the time that you are actually filming your instructional video, there are some important things to keep in mind.


Use the Right Instructor


One of the biggest mistakes people make when producing an instructional video is not having an expert instructor that can connect with the audience and convince them to make a purchase.

  • The star of the video is your product.  However, the one highlighting your business’s product should know the product in and out and present the instruction in an entertaining manner. 
  • Consider having an industry pro or someone who regularly uses your product present the instruction to your audience.  You want the video to be convincing and the product to be used correctly.
  • Make sure this expert or pro is likeable on screen, is well-versed, and is comfortable being filmed.
  • Give the instructor adequate time to become familiar with the video’s script and the set where instruction will take place. 
  • Make sure everything (product included) is in working order before the start of filming to prevent frustration from setting in with the instructor that may come across on screen.


Be Prepared For Customer Questions

It is best to anticipate any questions viewers may have during your instructional video and address them on screen.  This may prevent a potential customer from not making a purchase due to uncertainty about your product.  In addition, if your company gives the viewers the impression you know and understand the product fully, chances are higher they will trust you as an authority and feel more confident in your product.

After the video is released and you accept customer questions or concerns (which is ideal for any business selling products to the masses), have people on hand to take those inquiries.  If your support team does not know the answer to a particular question, make sure they direct the customer to someone who does and follow up with them.  This high level of customer service extends beyond your instructional video and can be a deciding factor when it comes to securing a sale.


Highlight the Perks of Making a Purchase

Convince your audience that your product is a must have item by conveying to them why.  Just remember, don’t make things too complicated, though.  Use short, clear sentences and explain how to use the product in a step-by-step fashion.  Then explain the benefits your product provides your customers.

  • Will the product make the customer’s life easier?  If so, how?
  • Is the product a convenience item?  Maybe it is a luxury item?  Play on the product’s strengths.
  • How durable is the product?  Are there any warranties or guarantees?

These are the types of questions your instructional video should always answer if you want to convince viewers they need to buy your product.



If you are not using a professional production company to handle the process of creating your company’s instructional video, make sure you have someone on-hand that can edit the film appropriately. 


  • Make sure there are no missteps when it comes to the instructional part of the video.  Mistakes may mislead your customer and looks unprofessional.
  • Edit the video for length.  Ideally it should be approximately 2-7 minutes long, unless your product is highly intensive.  People do not have long attention spans.  You do not want to bore them and have them quit your video before it is finished.  This would be a lost opportunity as well as a lost sale.


Final Thoughts

If your budget allows, it is best to have a team of experts in the field of video production handle all three parts of creating your instructional video.  Helping to develop your instructional video’s storyline, Baltimore’s premier video production company, Sheffield Audio-Video Productions, can get you started on the right foot from the start.

In addition, Sheffield uses quality filming equipment, proper lighting techniques, and cutting edge software for editing in every video production session.

If your business is located in the Baltimore area and needs an instructional video created in order to boost product sales, consider contacting Sheffield.  Selling a product doesn’t have to be hard.  By focusing on small details, such as who your targeted audience is and what the value of your product is to your audience, you will be able to create a stellar instructional video that will have products flying off the shelves and into the hands of your loyal customers.