If you are looking for a way to make sure resume stand out and prove to potential employers that you are serious about being an audio engineer, you should consider joining the Audio Engineering Society (AES).
What is the AES?
The Audio Engineering Society is the only professional society of people dedicated to the field of audio engineering. Founded in the United States in 1948, the AES is now an international organization made up of audio engineers, creative artists, scientists, and students promoting the audio industry through membership, meetings and conventions, and the dissemination of published literature.
The AES is also involved with the creation and maintenance of international standards in the areas of communications with technology, acoustics, media preservation, and creative practices. By keeping current with the most advanced audio technologies and techniques, the AES helps its members become experts in their fields by openly sharing this information.
Membership in the AES
Audio Engineering Members are made up of recording engineers, researchers, broadcast technicians, acousticians, sound mixers, equipment designers, consultants, DSP engineers, students, educators, technical directors, system installers, mastering engineers, and more.
There are several different levels of membership:
Anyone active in the field of audio engineering or acoustics that holds an academic degree or equivalent in scientific/professional experience in audio engineering can be invited to become a full member after successfully being accepted as an Associate Member.
Full members can vote in society elections, hold office, and have the opportunity to showcase their online profile in "Find an Audio Engineer" search results.
Associate Member
Those interested in audio engineering and becoming a part of the AES society can be associate members. You do not necessarily have to have a degree or related experience in the field to be eligible for Associate Member status. Associate membership includes all of the privileges in the society except the ability to vote in elections or hold office. You are eligible, however, to serve on a professional section committee.
Student Member
Anyone enrolled in a recognized school, college, or university can become an AES student member and can join at any time during their academic training. After a ten-year period, student members will be upgraded to either Associate or Full Member depending on their qualifications and experience, and will then have to pay member fees accordingly.
Student Members are able to participate in Student Delegate Assemblies where they can serve on committees, vote, and hold office. They also enjoy a discounted membership rate up until one-year post-graduation.
Life Member
In an effort to recognize long-standing Audio Engineering Society members, those who have paid membership dues for at least 25 years, and are the age of 25, and are the age of 65, are then exempt for ever paying dues again.
This membership status includes all AES privileges and also provides access to the online AES journal at no additional cost. There is also the option to receive printed versions of the journal at a significantly lowered rate.
Sustaining Member
This membership is for organizations wishing to support and remain involved with the AES.
Why You Should Join the AES
Here are some of the most important reasons why you should join the Audio Engineering Society as a student or a professional in the field of audio engineering:
- Access to guest speakers, technical tours, demonstrations, and both local and global conventions.
- Eligibility for AES awards like the one Harry F. Olson received. As the AES’ first award recipient for his microphone advancements, among other things, he really set the standards high.
- Free access to the Journal of the AES as well as the growing AES video library.
- Recognized experts in the field teaching you directly about advanced technologies.
- First-hand knowledge about new field related products.
- Discounts on events and publications.
- Involvement in student recording and design competitions.
- Access to tutorials, workshops, and masterclasses for hands-on training.
Become a member of the Audio Engineering Society will compliment your audio engineering career in many ways. If you are looking to network with the top professionals in your field, stay up-to-date on advancements in audio engineering, and improve your skills with the help of experts and like-minded people, then the Audio Engineering Society is perfect for you.
What's even better, is that while you are enrolled in The Sheffield Institute for the Recording Arts you can join the AES as a Student Member and get ahead of many other audio engineers that will be vying for the same employment opportunities as you will soon seek after graduation. So start your career now by contacting Sheffield, become a member of the AES, and graduate prepared to enter the music industry as the best audio engineer you can be!