Creating a television commercial is not an advertising tool that should be left only to the major Baltimore area corporations with hefty annual budgets. In fact, having your company’s commercial produced and aired to your local audience is actually more doable for your small business than you probably realize - and you don't even have to cut corners!
Today, we are going to look beyond the more obvious tips for creating an effective, high-quality commercial and highlight some of the details that go into creating a commercial you are genuinely excited to place your company’s name on.
Standard Tips for Creating a Great Commercial
There are several standard tips that every company should implement into their company’s business commercial, regardless of budget, vision, or size.
Many of the tips that make for a winning commercial include the technical aspects of commercial video production. They include things such as:
- Make sure your brand is obvious. A great commercial does nothing for your bottom line if the viewers loved it but have no clue what it was for.
- Simplicity is key. Commercials are typically 30-60 seconds long. Overwhelming your audience with too much information causes confusion and will not help you land more sales.
- Have a script in place. In the fast-paced world of video production, there is no room for impromptu commercial making. Time is money and having a plan in place beforehand will ensure you don’t spend too much in shooting, setting up retakes, or video editing.
- Include a call to action. People viewing your company’s commercial must be told what to do next – visit your store, call for a free quote, or check out your website. They need to be directed so that you can land more leads and convert more people into customers.
As you can see, there is already a lot that goes into making an effective video commercial. And if your business is in the busy Baltimore area, you can bet there is a lot of competition. Following these tips will get you ahead of the game and create an edge for your company.
However, there is more to it than fitting your commercial within a designated time limit, keeping things simple, and telling your potential customers what to do next.
Let’s take a look at how your local Baltimore business can produce a commercial you can truly be proud of and get even further ahead of the competition.
1. Have a Designated Leader
Companies often have a team of employees that work together on the company’s branding and marketing efforts. And while everyone involved may have specific duties, the truth is it is usually a team effort.
However, Gerry Graf, one of the top advertising creatives on the market today, suggests designating one person as the final decision maker. Claiming that “Group decisions are bad decisions,” Graf is seemingly on to something. While the creative process behind producing a video commercial is essentially a team effort, when it comes to who has the final say, it cannot involve everyone.
If everyone contributes their two cents, chances are somewhere in the commercial there will be inconsistencies and confusion. Worse, the Baltimore video production company you hire to produce the commercial for you might work diligently on something only to find out the owner of the company never signed off on the final decisions and wants the project scrapped and started over.
This wastes everyone’s time, your company’s money, and is likely to make someone very angry. Choosing someone to have the final say will help alleviate a lot of this.
2. Match the Audio and Visual
Producing a video commercial is not all about the camera shots. The audio that comes with the visual aspects of your commercial must make sense when placed together. Merging the audio to complement the visual will become your most powerful tool and really set your commercial apart from others.
True, it takes extra time to really consider which video shots will match what audio that you want on your commercial, whether that be live actors, voiceovers, or simply background music. But, the emotional pull good sounding audio can have on a commercial will create something you will smile at in the end.
3. Craft a Story
Though often found in the generalized lists of how to create a great commercial, crafting the right story for your brand must again be mentioned. Underestimating the power of a story, whether emotional, funny, or informative, is a mistake that many companies make when creating their commercials.
Do not just advertise your products or services, show some images of your business, and tell people to buy now. This is impersonal and will not sit well with potential customers.
Rather than just promote, you must create. Draw inspiration from other commercials that have seen success and figure out what they did to become so memorable. Think about how you can connect with your viewers while also convincing them that they need your product or service. This is how your business will be remembered by viewers who eventually frequent your store and make a purchase.
4. Say It, Explain It, Repeat It
Remember that your audience is a busy group of people with short attention spans, especially when it comes to commercials. They are often doing many things at once and grabbing their interest can prove difficult at times.
Using the steps – say, explain, and repeat – you will be able to hook your audience, show them the details, and then repeat why they should invest in your company.
Think of the first sentence of your commercial as the headline of an article. Encourage your viewers to continue watching and make them want to know more. Then give them more by explaining to them why you are a valid choice deserving of their business. At the end, again remind them what to do and why they should do it. This process will solidify to your viewers what you are about and why they should care, all in a short amount of time.
5. Don’t Cut Corners
To have a quality video commercial, one that you can be proud of, does not mean you have to go broke in the process of producing it. Hiring a Baltimore video production company to help produce your commercial for you will take your commercial to the next level and produce more lasting results.
Though using an in-house videographer can save time and money, chances are the commercial will not have the same effect on your viewers as using a professional to do the production job will.
If you are in the Baltimore area, you should consider using the premier services of Sheffield Audio-Video Productions. Understanding that a video commercial takes a lot of work, the industry professionals leading the production team at Sheffield can help you with everything.
Using top-rated equipment, taking the time to listen to your needs and vision, and helping you shoot, edit, and air you video commercial, Sheffield will surely aid you in creating the best video commercial your company has ever seen.
Final Thoughts
The most effective video commercials are the ones that your viewers remember and apply to their real life purchasing decisions. Making a good commercial that holds true to your company’s brand and connects with the customers is one of the best ways to promote your business and increase your annual revenue.
Look into Sheffield Audio-Video Productions today and see how they can help you create a commercial you can be proud of. And don’t forget to consider all of the tips mentioned above. Trust me, they will help you succeed and beat out even your toughest competition.